Book presentations in the Educational Research Workshop in Debrecen

The latest publications were presented at the book launch of the Educational Research Workshop in Debrecen on Wednesday.

The event was organized by the Institute of Educational Studies and Cultural Management of the University of Debrecen’s (UD) Faculty of Humanities (FH) for the sixth time at the headquarters of the Debrecen Academic Committee, in connection with the Day of Hungarian Science.

The aim of the series of events is to present the works and research results of the staff of the institute and the Doctoral Program on Educational Sciences to a wider professional audience.



‘The wide thematic range of the volumes presented here also demonstrates that the Institute of Educational Studies and Cultural Management provides its researchers with a scientific workshop where they can formulate new research directions, collect data, and interpret analyses together in an inspiring professional environment, both at national and international level,’ said Péter Csatár in his welcome speech, stressing that the institute has become a flagship in recent years, not only through its teaching but also through its research and publication activities.



The UD FH’s Vice Dean for Strategy and Economy emphasized: ‘Under the auspices of the institute everyone can find their place in scientific life, and can contribute to the success of the workshop with their activities and publications.’

In her opening speech, Gabriella Pusztai, the director of UD FH’s Institute of Educational Studies and Cultural Management, assessed the results achieved so far from the perspective of publication strategies, describing the three pillars: publications, journals and journal articles both nationally and internationally, and the promotion of publications.



The professor highlighted 4 publications. The first one is the series titled Oktatáskutatás a 21. században (Educational Research in the 21st Century), which was established in collaboration with Debrecen University Press – DuPress, and which has published 12 volumes since its launch in 2015.  The second one is the Oktatáskutatók könyvtára (Education Researchers’ Library), which ensures the high-quality publication of works based on the best doctoral theses and doctoral master theses. The third one is the Pallas Debrecina Hungarian and English language textbook series, discontinued in 2006 and then relaunched again, which provides indispensable help for students. The fourth one is the Régió és oktatás (Region and Education) series, which has now grown to 16 volumes, mainly consisting of studies prepared in the framework of research projects, in English and Hungarian as well.

‘The other pillar of the publication strategy is the development work that has enabled our researchers to publish excellent international journal articles with Q1 and Q2 rankings, as well as our own journals, primarily the Central European Journal of Educational Research, an international journal founded in 2019, which is also included in the university’s Scopus preparation program. At the same time, it is important to share our books and articles on academic social networking platforms, which are a great way to reach students as well. The videos related to our textbooks shared on our YouTube channel are also becoming increasingly popular,’ said Gabriella Pusztai.



The audience, of students and lecturers, were presented a compilation of studies edited by Klára Kovács and Katalin Pallay: Oktatók a kárpát-medencei felsőoktatásban. Munkajellemzők, jóllét és eredményesség (Instructors of Higher Education in the Carpathian Basin. Work characteristics, Well-being and Effectiveness). It presents the results of the research on the background of the well-being, working conditions and effectiveness of lecturers in higher education institutions, mainly in the border regions of five Carpathian Basin countries (Hungary, Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania and Serbia).

Ilona Dabney-Fekete’s book titled International Higher Education is for international and doctoral students who are interested in the world of global, higher education policy and research, or are planning to pursue doctoral studies in this field.



Zsófia Kocsis’s book titled A hallgatói munkavállalás mint kétélű kard. A hallgatói munkavállalás sajátosságai és egyetemi pályafutásra gyakorolt hatása egy regionális tudományegyetemen (Student Employment as a Double-Edged Sword. Student Employment and its Impact on Academic Careers at a Regional University) presents the results of a study conducted among students of the University of Debrecen between 2012 and 2020. The book explores how the demographic and social characteristics of working, full-time university students and their employment profile evolved over the period.

Katalin Pallay’s book Mobilitás, karrierépítés és integráció: A Balassi Intézet kárpátaljai hallgatói (Mobility, Career Building and Integration: Students of the Ballasi Institute in Subcarpathia), based on the results of a basic research, could make a remarkable contribution to the academic debates that underpin the theoretical background of international mobility research.



The event also saw the launch of István Polónyi’s work on education statistics, and Tamás András Vincze’s new book titled A sorsformáló pedagógusösztön (The Fate-Shaping Pedagogical Instinct), which explores the pedagogical thinking of László Németh.


Last update: 2024. 12. 05. 15:45