Building Relations with India at the Faculty of Arts

Building Relations with India at the Faculty of Arts

Between 6-9th May 2019 the Bán Imre Extramural College and the Department of Communication and Media Studies of the University of Debrecen hosted professor Ujjwal K Chowdhury, dean of the Media School of Pearl Academy, Delhi, India.

The professor’s visit had two aims: on the one hand, to represent Pearl Academy, the invitee of honor of the 2nd Fashion Festival Debrecen and on the other, to establish connections and plans for future collaboration with the Department of Communication and Media Studies. The professor met representatives of both the department and the faculty. During those meetings the parties agreed upon their mutual interest in collaborating; they decided to develop shared research and teaching programs and to organize mobilities for students and staff as well. The memorandum of understanding will be completed in May and June 2019. The professor held a lecture on May 8th under the title Fashion Branding Strategies in the Era of Sustainability. The presentation focused on the responsibility that the fashion industry has in the contemporary environmental crisis and drew attention to the liability of both producers and consumers in minimizing those damages.

Last update: 2022. 08. 01. 19:25