Expanding university relations with China

The Tianjin Foreign Studies University confirmed the existing educational and cultural cooperation with the University of Debrecen (UD) in an agreement signed on Thursday.

President Chen Fachun, head of the Chinese delegation, also handed over the accreditation document of the Confucius Institute for another five years to the UD leaders.

The partnership between the two higher education institutions began more than five years ago, and the Confucius Institute at the UD started its operation in 2019 at the Faculty of Humanities (FH). On 4 April, a delegation from Tianjin Foreign Studies University also visited the Institute, which serves to promote the Chinese language and the culture of the Far East, and then learned about the history, the courses and industrial relations of the University of Debrecen.

‘There are also many good examples of the Confucius Institute, the Chamber Industry and businesses working together, including research and industrial cooperation in addition to language teaching. The University of Debrecen considers it extremely important to strengthen these,’ said Deputy Rector General Károly Pető when he received the delegation from Tianjin with Oszkána Kiszil, Director of Coordination and Strategy.

President Chen Fachun praised the experience of his visit while stressing that he attached a particular importance to the fact that the Faculty of Humanities and thus the Confucius Institute are located in the central building of the university.

‘The complex University of Debrecen with its long history and vast area is impressive, and I think we can learn a lot from you. The historical monuments and the exhibition about the institute’s past in the main building are wonderful, and I must say I’ve been to many universities, but it’s very rare what I’ve seen here, that the Faculty of Humanities is in the heart of the university,’ said Chen Fachun.


At the meeting, Károly Pető and Chen Fachun signed an agreement on the strengthening of educational and cultural cooperation between the two institutions, and the head of the Chinese delegation handed over the University of Debrecen’s Confucius Institute’s accreditation for another five years, issued by the Confucius Institute’s Beijing Centre.

The delegation then visited the Faculty of Humanities, where the guests were welcomed by Dean Róbert Keményfi. First of all, he thanked them for supporting the work of the Confucius Institute.

He stressed that the mission of the FH is the transmission and cultivation of domestic and international culture in which the Confucius Institute plays a significant role by promoting the Chinese language and culture through various events, conferences as well as close relations with similar institutions in Hungary.

It was said at the meeting that the faculty’s medium-term plans include the strengthening of Chinese language teaching by launching a Chinese BA course for which the professional assistance of Tianjin Foreign Studies University (TFSU) is indispensable.

Professor Chen Fachun, President of the TFSU, assured Dean Róbert Keményfi of his support, and in return for his recent visit to Debrecen, invited him to China to participate in the 60th anniversary celebrations of the foundation of the Tianjin Foreign Language University in the autumn as a member of the University of Debrecen’s delegation.

The visit continued with a campus tour, during which the guests visited the Clinical Centre, the Learning Centre and the University’s Sports Campus.

The guests were treated to a special painting exhibition by the Confucius Institute. In the Island Square of the University Library, Judit Szendrei, a contemporary artist living in Debrecen, presented her “painted” work using stamps, one of her works depicting the signs of the Chinese zodiac made to celebrate the Year of the Dragon, which began on 10 February 2024.

Members of the Tianjin Foreign Language University delegation also met with the Confucius Institute’s Chinese instructors and students. The visit concluded at the Summer University of Debrecen.

Last update: 2024. 04. 09. 16:02