German Ambassador's visit at the University

Julia Gross, Germany’s Ambassador to Hungary, paid a study visit to the University of Debrecen on Wednesday.

The diplomat first held talks with university leaders, then met with the lecturers and students from the Institute of German Studies at the Faculty of Humanities. After the arrival of the delegation led by the Ambassador, the guests were given a short tour of the Main Building, followed by a presentation in the Rector’s Council Chamber, where they were introduced to the history of the University of Debrecen (UD), its Hungarian and English language training courses, its academic activities and its significant industrial relations.

‘The close cooperation between the city, the university and the region’s industries is partly based on the innovation and the scientific work that the institution can provide for all parties,’ said Zoltán Szilvássy.

The UD’s Rector emphasized that the university attaches particular importance to its relations with German companies. The historical and cultural roots between the two peoples, the language training provided by the Institute of German Studies at the Faculty of Humanities (FH) and the technical training at the Faculty of Engineering are the foundations for a future that can continuously meet the labour market needs of the companies operating here.

In response to the Ambassador’s question on industrial relations Dean Géza Husi, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, said that several German companies are involved in the training by providing various specializations and internships, with the BA courses preparing future engineers for the technologies of today and the MA courses for the technologies of the next decades.

Julia Gross was also interested in what motivates young Hungarians to improve their German language skills at university level.

Róbert Keményfi, the Dean of UD FH, said that in addition to teaching German, the faculty also offers opportunities for students to train as interpreters, translators and teachers. These students have a good chance of applying for jobs in German companies operating in and around Debrecen.

At the end of the meeting Rector Zoltán Szilvássy offered to organize a technical cabinet between the university and the industrial companies, to which he also invited the Ambassador.

After the meeting, Julia Gross visited the UD FH’s Institute of German Studies, where the lecturers informed her about the Institute’s German courses.

In her presentation, Andrea Horváth, the Director of the Institute, highlighted the Master’s course in Intercultural Corporate Management, which will start in September, and the steady number of students, currently over 100, which can be attributed to the high school campaigns and the close cooperation with companies and diplomatic bodies.

Julia Gross emphasized she remains in favor of the German Academic Exchange Service, which will continue to provide a German native speaker lecturer at the Institute of German Studies at the UD FH.

The visit to the university ended with a student round-table discussion, which looked at the results of Hungary’s entry to the EU two decades ago from the students’ perspective.

Last update: 2024. 03. 05. 15:39