Guest Professors and International Students at the Institute of English and American Studies

In the fall semester of the 2024/25 academic year, several guest professors join the Institute of English and American Studies, further strengthening the international relations and visibility of the institute and the Faculty of Humanities.


Dr. David J. Gerleman is a Fulbright Scholar joining the institute from George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. Dr. Gerleman is a historian specializing in nineteenth-century American history, the Civil War Era and Abraham Lincoln. He served as an editor for The Papers of Abraham Lincoln Project. Professor Gerleman teaches two courses at the University of Debrecen: “Abraham Lincoln in American History and Memory” and “U.S. Diplomatic History, 1776-1920”.


Dr. David J. Gerleman, Fulbright visiting professor

Dr. Ernesto Dominguez Lopez is full professor at the University of Havana, historian and political scientist at the Center for Hemispheric and United States Studies. He is visiting UD based on the Memorandum of Agreement signed recently by the two universities. This semester he teaches a course titled the “US and/in the Americas”, examining US history through the lens of bilateral relations with Cuba, among others. He is also one of the instructors of the lecture series organized by the Center for International Migration Studies at the Faculty of Humanities and will also meet students as part of a course at the Institute of History. Dr. Lopez will spend the rest of the academic year at Stanford University as a visiting professor.


Dr. Ernesto Dominguez Lopez delivering his lecture as part of the (Hi)stories of Migration course organized by the Center for International Migration Studies at the Faculty of Humanities

This semester Dr. Esra Abdelzaher (Egypt) also started teaching as one of the first recipients of the University of Debrecen Fellowship, working at the institute for two years as a research fellow. Augosto C. Petter (Brazil) and Agustín Cadena (Mexico) also continue teaching this semester.

The Institute of English and American Studies starts the new academic year with a strong international presence with guest professors, students, and partners of the institute arriving from more than 30 countries this semester.

International relations are further strengthened with the signing of a memorandum of agreement with Southern Utah University this fall.

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Home countries of new students, as well as guest professors and partners of the Institute of English and American Studies arriving in the fall semester of the 2024/25 academic year

Last update: 2024. 10. 02. 11:25