International Instructors Meet

International Instructors Meet

The international instructors at the Faculty of HumanitiesThe international instructors at the Faculty of Humanities met for the fifth time 21st October. The get-together party was well attended by representatives from different countries among them: France, Mexico, USA, Finland, China, Belgium and Italy. The event was opened by Dr. Judit Molnár, Advisor to the Dean on International Affairs; she gave a short introduction to our university’s history in general and emphasized the important role the Faculty of Arts has in particular. Dr. Péter Csatár, Vice-Dean and Dr. Réka Bozzay, the faculty’s Erasmus coordinator were also present.  The participants were happy to get to know each and many of them appreciated that they could meet again. They exchanged ideas about their different experiences, the challenges they face as teachers, the difficulties they have concerning the Hungarian language, the specificities of the Hungarian culture etc. They informed each other about the various events they organize at their own departments and encouraged each other to participate in them, too.The invigorating evening has proven again that such occasions are indeed needed; they undoubtedly enrich the process of internationalizion at the faculty.

Last update: 2022. 08. 01. 19:25