Pernicious Polarization:A Global Threat to Democracy

The Institute of English and American Studies kindly invites you to a lecture given by

Prof. Jennifer McCoy Pernicious Polarization: A Global Threat to Democracy 


Time: 12 p.m. (noon) on 20 March 2019 Venue: Studio 111, Main Building.

Jennifer McCoy is Distinguished University Professor of Political Science at Georgia State University in Atlanta, GA, USA and currently a Senior Core Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study at Central European University.  She will discuss her research on pernicious polarization – the political polarization that divides electorates into mutually distrustful “Us vs. Them” camps, extends into social relations and becomes a social identity, and undermines the capacity of democracies to address critical policy problems.

All welcome!

Last update: 2022. 08. 01. 19:25